Wednesday 1 May 2013

Seen or Unseen? - A Fresh Beginning

Hey y'all!

I once had a blog... Good lord, it was terrifying. It was about nature and wildlife and it was so... childish.
Anyway, I used it for a while, wrote posts, put up photos... Then I forgot about it. But that's good, because it was childish and I wasn't very comfortable with it.

So I decided to make this blog today all over again. I guess you could call it an upgrade. Why unseen? Because I believe there needs to be more love for wildlife and nature itself.

So what brought me to all of this?
My granddad. When I was younger, he'd take us 'frog-hunting' - which was basically finding frogs and then(humanely) killing and cooking them. (Let me tell you, frog's legs are delicious.)
He's also take us to a nearby forest, climbing a 14-metre wall of some ruin - if I'm not mistaken, it was once a factory of some sort. He loved the forest, animals and nature. Here's a funny story - One nice sunny day I was in the garden - we had  a garden separate from our home, around a km or so from our house - with my mom and siblings. So he comes into our garden with a bottle - and guess what was in it... A common European adder(also called Vipera Berus). He showed us its teeth and venom and all. It was dead, luckily. Not that I'm afraid of snakes - in fact I love snakes - it's just that he threw it into our tiny stream in the garden later. And so we had a dead snake floating around in our stream.

Because of his love for wildlife, I became more interested in animals, and soon it became a passion. I wanted to be a vet or a wildlife researcher - and let me tell you, I have more books about animals than I do about anything else. They're in different languages, too - there's some in English, there's one in German somewhere under my bed, there's books in Polish, and I had one in Spanish for a while but I think I may have misplaced it.

Unfortunately, my granddad passed away this Sunday. It was quite sudden, actually - We were all happy and jolly and then the next day, when I woke up and went downstairs, everyone was silent. I guessed that someone died, but I'd never thought that my grandpa would pass away so early.

So that's another reason why I made this blog - to keep my memories of him and the interests he passed on to me.

And that's pretty much it, really. For now, anyways. I'll make another post and then I'm off to have a shower, do some cleaning and then head back to bed. This flu is killing me... I'll do some posts on birds of prey later, since I got this big poster of Irish birds of prey earlier.


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