(Photo source: National Zoo)
The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger, or Panthera tigris altaica in Latin is the world's largest cat. They can reach up to 3.5 metres in height. (That's only half a metre shorter than an elephant.)
They're from the order of Carnivora and the family Felidae.
Basically they're big, furry cats and are orange/white with dark stripes.
(Photo source: Life..!!)
There are only around 500 Amur tigers in the wild, and they are found mainly around Russia and China. They hunt and feed on smaller animals and elk.
Siberian tigers usually live alone. A female Siberian tiger can have around 3 or 6 cubs, all of which she raises by herself(or with very little help from the male.) Cubs will grow until they are around 17 - 19 months old and around that time they will be finally able to hunt.
Meet Zolushka the Amur tiger!
(Not my video)