Monday 3 June 2013

Lucky Rabbit Feet

Has anyone ever played Jazz Jackrabbit? It was one of my favourite games when I was younger.

Honestly though, I doubt you'd ever see a green jackrabbit in real life :]

So, hares. There are so many subspecies and because of that I won't go into much detail today. Here's what I can share with yas though.

The hare's scientific name is Lepus. They come from the order Lagomorpha and the family Leporidae.

Don't be fooled: a rabbit and a hare are not the same thing.

What are the differences?
A hare is larger than a rabbit and has longer ears. Hares are faster than rabbits as their hind legs are stronger and they have bigger feet. There is a myth that rubbing a hare's foot will bring you good luck.

A rabbit's children are called kits and are born hairless while the hare gives birth to leverets - which are born with fur and are precocial. The majority of rabbits live in a burrow underground, while hares have nests outside.

So... hares.

(Image source: Ephotozine)

Most hares will have brown fur, black markings on their ears and a white underbelly. Depending on the type of hare, they can be white or even grey. The most common one, though, is said brown jackrabbit.

(Image source: Co.Exist)

Hares are pretty much vegetarians. They will eat plants, grass, berries and other greenery.

Brown hares can mate at as young as 6 months of age. The does will have anywhere between two to seven leverets.
Hares can live as long as 11 - 13 years.

(Image source: - Couldn't link as site displays an error)

I cain't find a video with hare sounds unfortunately, but I guess the reason for that is because you won't hear them that often! They don't make any special noises.